One of the advantages to being DINKs (Double Income, No Kids) is that you can just pick up and go whenever you feel like it.  This is something that Isabelle and I enjoy doing on a semi-regular basis.  Sometimes these trips will be planned out, other times, we’ll be somewhere and say “why don’t we take a drive to…”  Yesterday was one of these times.While eating breakfast at Tony’s Bistro, we discussed the idea of taking a drive to Fredericton for the afternoon.  Why not?  We had nothing else to do and it was a beautiful sunny day.  So after breakfast, off we went.

Of course no visit to Freddy Beach is complete for us without a visit to The Geek Chic.  The ultimate purpose of this trip was to purchase the 500 year diary, as seen in Doctor Who.  While I’ve been to the store since they built their life-sized TARDIS, I had never bothered to take my picture with it, so there you have it.

Following our visit to The Geek Chic, we popped into a new-to-us bakery/coffee shop called Chess Piece Pâtisserie.  The macarons looked amazing, and the rest of the baking did too.  But the minuscule shop was jam-packed to the  gills with patrons, so there was nowhere for us to sit and enjoy.  We decided, then, to leave and come for another visit some other time.

Before heading home, we opted to skip our usual lunch spot, The Snooty Fox, and do something we haven’t had in a long time.  We headed over to Relish Burger.  Mmmm.  I had nearly forgotten how good these burgers are. Ever since the franchise here in Moncton closed a year or so ago, I have not had the chance to partake in the deliciousness that is a Big Texas.  It made for a splendid day indeed.

And this, my friends, is the joy of being a DINK.

Much thanks to my good friend Jean-Marc for introducing me to the term DINK.  🙂

2 thoughts on “DINKs

  1. Pingback: Soul Tribe Live – Musings of A Boxhead

  2. Pingback: DINK Diaries – Riding the Roads – Musings of A Boxhead

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